Dr. Fernando Gómez Verdejo

Dr. Fernando Gómez
Casos de Emergencia
Soy médico cirujano egresado de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, especialista en Ortopedia y Traumatología por el Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación (INR-UNAM, Cd. México), subespecialista en Cirugía Articular (INR-UNAM, Cd. México). Realicé una estancia de perfeccionamiento de cirugía artroscópica y lesiones deportivas en atletas profesionales (Australian Football League, Rugby League, Rugby Union y atletas olímpicos) en el hospital Epworth Richmond en Melbourne, Australia. Adicionalmente he realizado cursos de actualización en manejo avanzado de fracturas por parte de la Orthopedic Trauma Association en Chicago, IL y Nashville, TN.
Actualmente enfoco mi práctica clínica en el tratamiento de lesiones deportivas en atletas recreativos y de alto rendimiento, así como pacientes con lesiones articulares avanzadas que requieren reconstrucción.
Mi objetivo principal es lograr, en conjunto con nuestro equipo de rehabilitación, la reincorporación completa de mis pacientes a las actividades básicas de la vida diaria, deportivas y recreativas previas a su lesión.
- Artroscopia y Lesiones Deportivas
- Artroscopia de Rodilla
- Artroscopia de Hombro
- Cirugía Mínima Invasiva
- Prótesis de Cadera
- Prótesis de Rodilla
- Cirugía de Hombro
- Lesiones de Cartílago

Treatments Price List
Awards And Honours
Today the hospital is recognised as a world renowned institution, not only providing outstanding care and treatment, but improving the outcomes for all through a comprehensive medical research. For over 20 years, our hospital has touched lives of millions of people, and provide care and treatment for the sickest in our community including rehabilitation and aged care.
Edison Awards
Edwin Grant Medal
Robert L. Noble Prize
National Prize for Medicine
Medical Education
She then went to LSU Medical School in New Orleans where she was an Honors Program Graduate and finished in the top quartile of his graduating class. She completed his Internal Medicine Residency at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, AL where he was selected as a Chief Internal Medicine Resident.
Royal College of Surgeons of Harvard
She then traveled to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to complete a Fellowship in Intervention Cardiology at Hahnemann Hospital in conjunction with Drexel University, where she received extensive training in coronary as well as peripheral interventions and salvage procedures.
Fellowship, Royal College of Physicians of Harvard
After relocating to Louisiana she served as Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Lab at Regional Medical Center of Acadiana. She was honored by the Medical Association for Physician's Recognition Award from March of 2015 through May 2016.
Residency, St. Harvard University Hospital
Dr has also had professional accomplishments at the University of Southern California School of Medicine and Medical Center including Instructor of Medicine, Chief Administrative Fellow, Division of Cardiology University of Southern California.
Doctor’s Skills
She completed his Internal Medicine Residency at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, AL where he was selected as a Chief Internal Medicine Resident. She then went to LSU Medical School in New Orleans where she was an Honors Program Graduate and finished in the top quartile of his graduating class.